For new members (and forgetful old members), this is a seasonal league table of all your placings at races in which Eton Manor takes part. It works thusly: The first EM gent to finish in each race scores 25 points, down to 1 point for the 25th EM gent to finish – and the same for ladies. There are many races on the fixture lists, but only your best 18 scores count towards your total (meaning you are not penalised for missing races, or having an “off-day”). There is also an “attendance multiplier” which gives points for every race you attend – the more you race, the more you score. The gent & lady with the highest combined scores win the coveted Grand Prix shield, engraved with their name & year.

You can only score once on any date – in cases where there are two races on one day, there is no reward for racing twice (!). At the mob match vs VPH in January there are points for the first 50 finishers – even more reason to turn up and try to beat our friendly rivals! Points are also awarded to members who volunteer at races, so you don’t lose out when you contribute your time to the club.

Here is the most current table:

And here is a link to the GP Table Archive in Google Docs: